Being Effective


Being Effective

Now that you know how to systemize your restaurant, it will be tempting to start working on everything at once the moment you learn it, and if you have some team members certifying with you that you can rely on, by all means, divide and conquer. But you’ll get a lot more done if you learn to prioritize and execute the tasks for which you are responsible.

We typically do this by systemizing or STAC’ing one position at a time.

Organize what you need to get done in priority order, then tackle one item at a time instead of trying to get a ton of things done at once without making any major progress. First things first, and one thing at a time.

Here is what this looks like visually:

This is from Gregg McKeown’s book Essentialism.

“In both images, the same amount of energy is expended. In the image on the left, the energy is divided into many different activities. The result is that we have the unfulfilling experience of a millimeter of progress in a million directions. In the image on the right, the energy is given to fewer activities. The result is that by investing in fewer things [at once], we have the satisfying experience of making significant progress in the things that matter most.”

Remember this as you prioritize and execute, adding STAC’s to your operation, and structure to everyone’s daily activities.

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