Making Plans
Quarterly/Monthly Planning Sheet (Q90)
By this stage in the process, you should have accomplished the following:
- Developed a personalized routine that aligns with your needs and those of your business.
- Established a consistent restaurant routine that allows for scheduled discretionary time and supports the needs of your team.
- Implemented a project and task management framework that provides traction, clarity, and accountability.
- Identified the systems that require formalization, training, and implementation.
Now, it's time to determine what's important now (WIN) and take action. We utilize a tool called the Q90, which stands for Quarterly 90-day plan. However, if planning for the entire quarter feels overwhelming, feel free to adapt it as a 30-day monthly planner instead.
If you're uncertain, start by planning your objectives for the upcoming month. As you gain experience, long-term planning will become easier. Initially, it can be challenging to estimate what you can realistically achieve in 30 days, let alone in a 90-day period, as you navigate new routines, systems, and scheduled discretionary time. However, with consistent practice, you will develop the ability to create realistic plans for an entire year, which we will delve into later.
The planning sheet allows you to focus on 3-4 significant objectives for your chosen time frame. Remember, less is more. Clearly state your objectives in any format you prefer. One effective format is as follows:
[Action verb], [Deliverable], [Lag measure], [Date].
For example: Lower (verb) controllable expenses (deliverable) by 5% (lag measure) by December 31st (date).
It's important to note that not all goals will fit this format, so don't worry if yours differs.
Please be aware that not everyone prefers to plan out all their objectives in advance. If it feels more manageable, start with one objective, fully commit to it, work as a team to achieve it, and then proceed to plan the next objective when you feel ready.
Remember, you cannot work your plan without making one. So, let's get started.